Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I believe

The Power to Forget is the first story i read. Losing a father, regardless , must be one of the hardest things you'd ever have to do. Let alone the way your father is killed is by someone else wrong doing.What do i think about the power to forget? I believe that alot of the time , were so hurt and angry by something or someone , that anger is the only thing we have left. I believe in the need and the want to forget .  However i believe that if someone or something was that important to you in the first place, trying to forget them or whatever is it is equivilant to trying to remember someone you've never met. It's just not possible.

My father told me I was fat is the second story i chose to read. This story , in my opinion , is really upsetting. I grew up without a father , and if anything i can say that having an important male figure is important to a girl. Knowing this i could only imagine how it would feel to have that person who is supposed to be that strong male figure in your life do something as hurtful as calling you fat everyday, and actually meaning it. Also on top of that , your father killing himself would just open up another jar of emotions and now you'd have to deal with that on top of everything else.

A Dog’s Life is the final story i read. If i'm being completely honest, i don't understand how you could think you learned everything you needed know in life, from a dog..this guy sounds a little crazy to me. I agree with the fact that taking care of a dog is something that will teach a kid alot in life, i believe that 100%. But growing up and actual life experiences is going to teach you alot more than just taking care of a dog..

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