Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I believe

The Power to Forget is the first story i read. Losing a father, regardless , must be one of the hardest things you'd ever have to do. Let alone the way your father is killed is by someone else wrong doing.What do i think about the power to forget? I believe that alot of the time , were so hurt and angry by something or someone , that anger is the only thing we have left. I believe in the need and the want to forget .  However i believe that if someone or something was that important to you in the first place, trying to forget them or whatever is it is equivilant to trying to remember someone you've never met. It's just not possible.

My father told me I was fat is the second story i chose to read. This story , in my opinion , is really upsetting. I grew up without a father , and if anything i can say that having an important male figure is important to a girl. Knowing this i could only imagine how it would feel to have that person who is supposed to be that strong male figure in your life do something as hurtful as calling you fat everyday, and actually meaning it. Also on top of that , your father killing himself would just open up another jar of emotions and now you'd have to deal with that on top of everything else.

A Dog’s Life is the final story i read. If i'm being completely honest, i don't understand how you could think you learned everything you needed know in life, from a dog..this guy sounds a little crazy to me. I agree with the fact that taking care of a dog is something that will teach a kid alot in life, i believe that 100%. But growing up and actual life experiences is going to teach you alot more than just taking care of a dog..

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Dear Graham,

LISTEN UP PUNK!! If you recall , in the 3rd grade , outdoor recess i found a long shiny earing out on the playground at wilson hill elementry. As i went to pick up the earing , you came up behind me pushed me down and clamed the earing as your own! I WANT REVENGE AND I WANT MY EARING BACK! Ii have taken your precious mut daisy , and you must bring 20000000000 trillion dollars and my precious earing to the zip line at wilson hill elementry school on September 30th at 6:56 pm or the pooch pays!  DON'T DISSAPOINT DAISY GRAHAM. MWUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHHA :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


As the massive rock sits in front of the gate collecting heat, i bake outside in the morning humitity. Waiting.. waiting .. is it almost ten? I look at my clock, 9:56. An entire minute had gone by sense i had looked at my watch and i felt as if i had been standing there for an hour. "Okay" , i think to myself ", only four more minutes, and then i can jump. I can jump and splash and run as fast as i can into it, into the pool. Fifty nine, fifty eight .." i count the seconds down. I look up above me to the sun that is beating down on me. I'm getting so incredibly hot , i see the massive rock in front of me. I've never noticed how big this rock was, as i slowly creep up to the boulder. I stare at it for a momment then slowly climb onto it. I sit flat on the rock and for a couple seconds , it feels nice to be so high up. And then... OUCH! The heat from the rock , is so intense it burns the back of my legs. I hop off the rock and run through the gates of the pool , i look down at my watch , 10:00! I finally jump into the pool!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


No one could ever understand the magic behind it. It's like the whole house was a living body and the fireplace was the heart. It gave off warmth, and peace to everyone around it. Its orange red and blue flames flickered and spat at times, but came together in stillness for only a brief second, before raging back into separate flames once again. Come close enough, you can feel the heat bouncing off of your face. Warming your entire body within seconds. It's amazing how a simple fire place could bring so many together using only flames. No one could ever understand the magic behind it. Never.

Monday, September 19, 2011


It all started with a chair. It was Christmas eve , and everything felt like it was standing still. The wind had finally died down, and the newly fallen snow was settled. I had the hot chocolate steaming in my hand, watching the marsh mellows bounce up and down in the cup with each sway of the rocking chair. Grandpa D was across the way playing a melody i had never heard before on the organ. The combination of the music, the stillness of the night, and the swaying of that chair sent me somewhere i had never been before. I felt so at peace that night and every night after wards, all because of that chair.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ten abilities

I am a Helping , Generous, Intelligent , Self motivated , Caring , Strong , Passionate , Non judgemental , Honest and trustworthy person.

  • Helping - This quality can change my life by improving who i am as a person , and what kind of people i surround myself with
  • Generous - This can make it so that my life can revolve around more than just myself .
  • Intelligent - So that i can make smart decisions in the future
  • Self motivated - I don't need to depend on others to get what i want in life
  • Caring - My life can be about more and so that i can experience love in a lot of places
  • Strong - This can shape my life because life is not promised, and i know I'm strong enough to handle anything that's thrown at me
  • Passionate - It can mold me into a a fighter . To fight for what i want in life
  • Non judgemental - I can have more amazing relationships in the future
  • Honesty - Being able to be true to any person i have a relationship with in the future
  • Trustworthy - Gaining the trust of others and keeping that trust.